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The General Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary: containing a description of the various countries, kingdoms, states, cities, towns, etc etc of the known world; an account of the government, customs, and religion of the inhabitants; the boundaries, and natural productions of each country etc etc forming a complete body of geography, physical, political, statistical, and commercial
1923 Berwick: Gracie

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geografie

[s.n.] The General Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary: containing a description of the various countries, kingdoms, states, cities, towns, etc etc of the known world; an account of the government, customs, and religion of the inhabitants; the boundaries, and natural productions of each country etc etc forming a complete body of geography, physical, political, statistical, and commercial
contemporary half leather with red spine labels and gilt title, covers rubbed and partially bumped, one map missing, some pages and maps with foxing or brownish, binding of first vol. loosened, some pages and maps a little crinkled, otherwise solid copy.

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Ritter, Carl:
Über das historische Element in der geographischen Wissenschaft

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Steinberg, Heinz Günter:
Die sozio-ökonomische Entwicklung der Republik Südafrika, 2 Bände

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Müller, Ulrike:
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Mascop, Gottfried; Ohainski, Uwe [Hrsg.]; Reitemeier,. Arnd [Hrsg.]:
Das Fürstentum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel im Jahr 1574: Der Atlas des Gottfried Mascop

EUR 70,00
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