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Berger, Friedrich Ludwig von:
Succinctae animadversiones ad Henrici De Cocceji Juris Publici Prudentiam ... Angeb.: Ders.: Opuscula miscella quaedam iuris publici.
(Leipzig, Lanckisch 1724).

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Jura

15 Bl., 796 Seiten, 25 Bl.; 1 Bl., 279 S., 7 Bl.

Pgmt.d. Zt. m. handschr. Rückentitel. Einband fleckig u. verfärbt. Rotschnitt. Innengelenke angebrochen. Titelblatt fehlt. Notiz a. Innendeckel. Papier teils etwas fleckig.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 6 Werktage
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An Act (Passed 13th June 1806) for Ranting to his Majesty, During the Present War, and until the sixth Day of April next after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of peace, Further Additional Rates and Duties in Great Britain on Profits. Arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices; and for repealing an Act passed in the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty, for repealing certain Parts of an Act made in the Forty-third Year of His present Majesty, for granting a Contribution on the Profits arising from Property Professions Trades and Offices; and to consolidate and render more effectual the Provisions for collecting the said Duties.

EUR 16,00
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Jung, Heike/Müller, Egon/Müller-Dietz, Heinz (Hrsg.):
Justiz und Komödie.

EUR 10,00
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Iustiniani Institutionum libri IV. Notis necessariis ... et regulis iuris studio Johann Wilhelm Dietmar.

EUR 100,00
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Haux, Dario u.a. (Hrsg.):
REcht und risiko. Junge Rechtswissenschaft Luzern.

EUR 20,00
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EUR 500,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 6 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 88783EB

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Antiquariat Bücheretage, DE-53111 Bonn
