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Alperin, Morton at. al.:
Vistas in Astronauics. First annual Air Force Office of Scientific Research Astronautics Symposium. International Series of Monographs on Aeronautical Sciences and Space Flight.
London, Pergamon Press, 1958.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

330 S., with figures and tables, with b/w.-photos. Hardcover.

Guter Zustand / good condition. Bibl.-Ex. / Ex.-library. Cover slightly faded at the edges.

[SW: Physics Astrophysics]
Physics, Astrophysics
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Chakraverty, B. K. and D. Kaplan (Edts.):
Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors. 9, Part II. Proceedings of the Ninth Intern. Conference on Grenoble, France, July 2nd-8th, 1981. (=Journal de Physique; Colloque C-4, supplement au no. 10, Octobre 1981; Vol. 42).

EUR 11,70
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Auerbach, Felix:
Ernst Abbe. Sein Leben, sein Wirken, seine Persönlichkeit. Nach den Qu ellen u. aus eigener Erfahrung geschildert.

EUR 10,00
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Kamke, Detlef:
Einführung in die Kernphysik: Für Physiker und Ingenieure im Hauptstudium.

EUR 11,90
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Bertram, Albrecht:  Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations. An Introduction.
Bertram, Albrecht:
Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations. An Introduction.

EUR 34,10
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EUR 12,10
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
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