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Beer, Hans de/Williams, Treat (Reading)
Little Polar Bear (Buch + Hörkassette)
North-South Books 2000

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Beer, Hans de/Williams, Treat (Reading)  Little Polar Bear (Buch + Hörkassette)
Hardcover/gebunden mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren am Schuber! Buch (11 x 16 cm) plus Hörkassette im Papp-Schuber! ISBN 0735812756 Children will love poring over Hans de Beer's beguiling illustrations as they listen to Treat Williams's lively reading of the first book in the best-selling Little Polar Bear series. Journey along with Lars, the Little Polar Bear, as he is swept away from the safety of his home at the North Pole on an exciting adventure in the tropics. It’s a big day for the little polar Lars! His father takes him hunting for the very first time, and that night he is so tired from all his lessons that he falls fast asleep. He sleeps so soundly that he doesn’t hear the ice crack, doesn’t feel himself slowly drift away from his father and the North Pole—he doesn’t realize that his adventures have just begun. 16 14 x 30 x 2 cm

[SW: Rarität/Altes Bilderbuch/englischsprachiges Kinderbuch]
Rarität/Altes, Bilderbuch/englischsprachiges, Kinderbuch
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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EUR 28,00
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Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
