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General Editors Oliver Impey. Malcom Fairley
The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Japanese Art. Meiji No Takara, treasures of imperial Japan. Volume 1: Selected essays.
The Kibo Foundation, London 1985
ISBN/EAN: 9781874780007

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Japan

General Editors Oliver Impey. Malcom Fairley The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Japanese Art. Meiji No Takara, treasures of imperial Japan. Volume 1: Selected essays.
Leinen Tadellos

Text Englisch/Japanisch. Eine monumentale Monographie in nahezu neuwertigem Zustand. Pappbezogener illustrierter Leinenschuber unverletzt. Schwarzgeprägter Leineneinband, montiertes Frontbild, Rückentitelei, TADELLOS. 208 Seiten, Kunstdruckpapier, Text zweispaltig, diverse Fotos/Fototafeln, auch in Farbe, insgesamt einwandfreier Zustand. +++ Text in english and japanese. A monumental cloth-bound monograph in its original cloth-bound slipcase, 208 pages , text on 2 columns, illustrations and plates, mostly in colour. Excellent condition. +++ The Khalili Collection of Japanese Art is a private collection of decorative art from Meiji era (1868–1912) Japan, assembled by the British-Iranian scholar, collector and philanthropist Nasser D. Khalili. It is only equaled by the collection of the Japanese Imperial family in size and quality, with more than 1,600 objects in total. These include metalwork, enamels, ceramics, and lacquered objects, including works by artists of the Imperial court that were exhibited at the Great Exhibitions of the late 19th century.[Rather than covering the whole range of Meiji era decorative art, Khalili has focused on objects of the highest technical and artistic quality. He observed that Japanese arts were less well-documented than European arts of the same period, despite being technically superior: "Whilst one could argue it is relatively easy to replicate a Fabergé, to replicate the work of the Japanese master is nigh on impossible.“As well as assembling these collections, Khalili founded the Kibo Foundation (from the Japanese word for "hope") to promote the study of art and design of the Meiji era, publishing scholarship about the collection and its historical context“ (from Wikipedia). +++ 30 x 40 cm, 3,5 kg. +++ Stichwörter/Keywords: Japan Kunst Kunstgeschichte Art Ostasiatica

[SW: Japan Kunst Kunstgeschichte Art Ostasiatica]
Japan, Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Ostasiatica
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