Die Antiquariatsbuchplattform von

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Christie's, New York; London; Rom (Hrsg.)
Sammlung von 27 Buch-Katalogen aus 1991 - 1998

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Firmenkataloge

- Enthalten: Nr. 7286: Printed Books and Manuscripts including Americana, New York, 1991 / Nr. 7378: Printed Books and Manuscripts including Americana and Bookbindings, New York, 1991 / Nr. 4518: Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History Books, London, 1991 / Nr. 7324: The Pierre S. duPont III Collection of Navigation, Voyages, Cartography and Literature of the Sea, New York, 1991 / Nr. 7498: Printed Books and Manuscripts including Literature, Americana and Natural History, New York, 1992 / Nr. 4791: Fine Illuminated Manuscripts, Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters, London, 1992 / Nr. 4968: Valuable Natural History and Travel Books, Atlases and Globes, London, 1993 / Nr. 7866: Printed Books and Manuscripts including Science, New York, 1994 / Nr. 7525: The Remaining Books from the Library of Harrison D. Horblit, New York, 1994 / Nr. 7964: Printed Books and Manuscripts including Literature and Fine Bindings, New York, 1994 / Nr. 2277/2278: Manoscritti, Autografi, Libri e Stampe, Roma, 1994 / Nr. 8036: American and Modern Prints and Illustrated Books, New York, 1994 / Nr. 7653: Printed Books, Autographs, Maps and Decorative Graphics, New York, 1994 / Nr. 8088: Manuscripts & Printed Books: mainly Americana, New York, 1994 / Nr. 6535: University of Chicago Library, Rare Science Duplicates Part I, South Kensington, 1994 / Nr. 8060: Printed Books in the History of Science including Atlases, New York, 1994 / Nr. 5484: Valuable Natural History and Travel Books, Atlases and Maps, London, 1995 / Nr. 5424: Valuable Illuminated Manuscripts and Printed Books, London, 1995 / Nr. 5353: Valuable English and Continental Books from the Bute Library, London, 1995 / Nr. 5718: Valuable Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Music and Printed Books, London, 1996 / Nr. 8586: The Einstein-Besso Working Manuscript, New York, 1996 / Nr. 2310: Libri di pregio, Manoscritti e Autografi da collezioni private, Roma, 1996 / Nr. 7873: Books & Autographs from the Estate of Alan L. Weiner, New York, 1996 / Fishing Tackle, Objects of Art, Eastern Rugs, Carpets and Furniture; Jewellery and Silver; Oil Paintings and Watercolours, Glasgow, 1996 / Nr. 2329: Libri di pregio, Manoscritti e Autografi da colleziono private, Roma, 1997 / Nr. 8037: Printed Books including Literature, Sets and Bindings, New York, 1997 / Nr. 7784: Maritime, South Kensington, 1997 / Nr. 5970: La Biblioteca Giannalisa Feltrinelli. Parte Quarta, Roma, 1998 - Christie's International plc, New York; London; Rom, 1991-1998. Zusammen ca 4000 S. mit zahlreichen Abb.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeAbb. = Abbildung(en), kart.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfekart. = kartoniert, quart, (leichte Gebrauchsspuren/slightly used)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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8 Antiquariatskataloge zum Thema Sport

EUR 19,00
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Hauptner, H. - Instrumentenfabrik für Tiermedizin und Tierzucht, Berlin (Hrsg.)
Sonder-Katalog C über Instrumente für Tierzucht und -Pflege

EUR 18,00
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Christie's South Kensington
Maritime, Thursday, 6 November 1997 at 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

EUR 18,00
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Troponwerke, Köln-Mülheim
Spezialpräparate der Troponwerke Köln-Mülheim. Kleiner Katalog mit Daumenregister

EUR 20,50
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EUR 250,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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Celler Versandantiquariat, DE-29358 Eicklingen
