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Großbritannien; Anonym
3 Proclamatische Schriften in 1 Band

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte

J. Moore, St. Paul, um 1730. 1 Schriftband: The History of all the Mobs, Tumults and Insurrections in Grat Britain, From William the Conqueror to the prefent time. To which is added, the Act of Parliament and Proclamation lately Publish'd for punishing Rioters, 68 S. umfassend; Schriftband 2: An exact chronological History of the Lives and actions of the Popifh Archbishops of Canterbury, Primates of England. From Austin to Poole. In which The Ecclefiaftical Transactions in the Kingdom, for a long Series of Years, is fully related; and the Danger of a too powerful Clergy to the State cleary shewn, 60 S. umfassend. 3. Schriftband: A Succinct and Impartial History of all the Regecies, Protectorships, Minorities and Princes of England, or Great-Britain and Wales, that have been since the Conquest. With a proper Dedication to a Great Duke, 60 S. umfassend ; Später marmorierter Halblederband mit lederbezogenen Ecken

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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EUR 137,50
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Bestell-Nr.: 1859w

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