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Nargolwalla, Sam S. and Edwin P. Przybylowicz;
Activation Analysis with Neutron Generators
New York, London, Sydney, Toronto, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1973.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

Nargolwalla, Sam S. and Edwin P. Przybylowicz;  Activation Analysis with Neutron Generators
662 Seiten , 24 cm, Leinen das Buch stammt aus einer Haushaltsauflösung, gebräunt, fleckig, Umschlagkanten mit Bestoßungen, Eigentumsvermerk, ... This book offers a comprehensive description of the significant aspects of quantitative activation analysis with neutron generators. The authors present a broad spectrum of appllcatlons pertlnent to the method and compare It to other instrumental methods of analysis. The book beglns with a description of princlples of the technique and Its advantages, llmitatlons, and applicatlons. The discussion of production and Interaction of fast neutrons includes basic concepts, neutron pro¬ duction by small accelerators and fast-neutron Induced reactions. Also covered are the pumped neutron generator, the sealed-tube neutron source, and evaluatlon and Impact of Iow-voltage accelerator neutron low-vuuaye acceierator neutron tection and shielding considerations for neutron generator facilities discusses radiation exposure, hazards In neutron generator Operation, design and construction of blological shields, and shielding ofdetectorsystems. Sample preparation and transport are covered thoroughly, as are sources and reduction of systematlc error. The final chapter covers the prediction of nuclear interferences and activation analysis conditions for the elementS. Four appendices are also included. The authors place special emphasis on factors which must be considered and controlled In making the techand controliea in making the techcision and accuracy, and on applying the technique to the analysis of specific Clements. ... (vom Umschlag) 1h3b Activation Analysis with Neutron Generators; Aktivierungsanalyse mit Neutronengeneratoren; Physik; Wissenschaft; Sam S. Nargolwalla; Edwin P. Pryzbylowicz; 1

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Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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