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The Wide World Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of True Narrative. Adventure. Travel. Customs and Sport. Vol. LII. October 1923 to March 1924. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.
George Newnes, London, 1924.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Länderkunde / Städtekunde (Ausland)

  The Wide World Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of True Narrative. Adventure. Travel. Customs and Sport. Vol. LII. October 1923 to March 1924. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction.
Einband mit nur leichten Gebrauchsspuren. Hinterer Deckel nur leicht fleckig. Sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. Very good copy. - Thrilling Adventures. Astounding Photographs. `You certainly get hold of some very remarkable stories`, said a man to me the other day. `I wonder if the well from which you dip your contributions will ever run dry`. I told him I didn`t so; our source of supply is the inexhaustible, ever-bubbling spring of human experience and human endeavour. That it shows bo signs of exhaustion is proved by this number. Read `The Woman of the Island`, `The Wishing Pipe` `East Beyond the East` and `The Four Madmen` and judge for yourself! Illustrated. 504 pp. (We carry a wide selection of titles in The Arts, Theology, History, Politics, Social and Physical Sciences. Academic and Scholarly books and Modern First Editions ,and all types of Educational Reference Literature.) Blue original cloth 25 cm IV, 504 pages. Mit zahlreichen Schwarz-Weiß- Abbildungen und Illustrationen.

Einband mit nur leichten Gebrauchsspuren. Hinterer Deckel nur leicht fleckig. Sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. Very good copy. - Thrilling Adventures. Astounding Photographs. `You certainly get hold of some very remarkable stories`, said a man to me the other day. `I wonder if the well from which you dip your contributions will ever run dry`. I told him I didn`t so; our source of supply is the inexhaustible, ever-bubbling spring of human experience and human endeavour. That it shows bo signs of exhaustion is proved by this number. Read `The Woman of the Island`, `The Wishing Pipe` `East Beyond the East` and `The Four Madmen` and judge for yourself! Illustrated. 504 pp. (We carry a wide selection of titles in The Arts, Theology, History, Politics, Social and Physical Sciences. Academic and Scholarly books and Modern First Editions ,and all types of Educational Reference Literature.)

[SW: reisen, reisebericht, reisebeschreibunf, Zwanziger Jahr]
reisen, reisebericht, reisebeschreibunf, Zwanziger, Jahr
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