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Ramm, E. ( Editor):
Buckling of Shells : Proceedings of a State-of-the-Art Colloquium, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, May 6-7, 1982
Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 1982.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

Ramm, E. ( Editor):  Buckling of Shells : Proceedings of a State-of-the-Art Colloquium, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, May 6-7, 1982
EX-Library with several stamps. Einband und Innendeckel etwas beschädigt ( etwas stärker berieben), sonst innen sehr gutes Exemplar. Thin shells are very popular structures in many different branches of engineering. There are the domes, water and cooling towers, the contain ments in civil engineering, the pressure vessels and pipes in mechanical and nuclear engineering, storage tanks and platform components in marine and offshore engineering, the car bodies in the automobile industry, planes, rockets and space structures in aeronautical engineering, to mention only a few examples of the broad spectrum of application. In addition there is the large applied mechanics group involved in all the computational and experimental work in this area. Thin shells are in a way optimal structures. They play the role of*the "primadonnas" among all kinds of structures. Their performance can be extraordinary, but they can also be very sensitive. The susceptibility to buckling is a typical example. David Bushnell says in his recent review paper entitled "Buckling of Shells - Pitfall for DeSigners": "To the layman buckling is a mysterious, perhaps even awe inspiring phenomenon that transforms objects originally imbued with symmetrical beauty into junk". ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE : Euro 88.- ) Originalpappband. 26 cm XV, 682 Seiten. ERSTAUSGABE.

EX-Library with several stamps. Einband und Innendeckel etwas beschädigt ( etwas stärker berieben), sonst innen sehr gutes Exemplar. Thin shells are very popular structures in many different branches of engineering. There are the domes, water and cooling towers, the contain ments in civil engineering, the pressure vessels and pipes in mechanical and nuclear engineering, storage tanks and platform components in marine and offshore engineering, the car bodies in the automobile industry, planes, rockets and space structures in aeronautical engineering, to mention only a few examples of the broad spectrum of application. In addition there is the large applied mechanics group involved in all the computational and experimental work in this area. Thin shells are in a way optimal structures. They play the role of*the "primadonnas" among all kinds of structures. Their performance can be extraordinary, but they can also be very sensitive. The susceptibility to buckling is a typical example. David Bushnell says in his recent review paper entitled "Buckling of Shells - Pitfall for DeSigners": "To the layman buckling is a mysterious, perhaps even awe inspiring phenomenon that transforms objects originally imbued with symmetrical beauty into junk". ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE : Euro 88.- )

[SW: Shell]
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