Goldammer, Peter Erinnerungen und Ansichten., Literarische Porträts von Goethe bis Fontane., 1976 Hinstorff, Rostock 1976.,
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oln, Ou.,468s., in gutem Zustand [CPA6,1a] [LSA71,2a]. [NKA9,3b], (3)
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Dickinson, A. Actions an habits. The developmet of behavioural autoomy.
EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | HIMI, T., Okazaki, T., Mori, N., SCG10 mRNA localization in the hippocampus. Comparison wItalienischh other mRNAs encoding neuronal growth-associated proteins (nGAPs).
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | ALBRIGHT, B. C. ALBRIGHT, B. C., Friedenbach, D. J., The distribution of lateral funicular and cortical fibers to the dorsal column, Z and X nuclei in the prosimian Galago., Neuroscience 7, 1175-1185 (1982)., Obr., [WES75]..,// ALBRIGHT, B. C., Johnson, J. L., Ostapoff, E, M., The projection of cervical primary fibers to the DCN of the squirrel, Sciurus niger. Fiber sorting in the dorsal columns. Brain Behav. Evolut., 22, 118-131 (1983)., Obr., [WES75]...,// WELLS, J., Albright, B. C., Synaptic arrangements in the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the squirrrel.,, Brain Behav. Evolut-., 22, 165-17300 (1983)., Obr., [SD111]..,
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