Sitte, Rosemarie Pramo. Praktische Mode 11/87., 1987 Verlag für die Frau, Leipzig 1987.,
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EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | CALAS, A. HARANDI, M., Nieouillon, A., Calas, A. , High resolution radioautographic investigation of 3H-GABA accumulating neurons in cat sensorimotor cortical areas. Brain Res. 260, 306-312 (1983) , Obr., [WES84]. // JEAN, A., Amri, M., Calas, A., Connections between the ventral medullary swallowing area and the trigeminal motor nucleus of the sheep studied by tracing techniques., J. Autonom. Nervous System 7, 87-96 (1983)., Obr., [SD119]..,
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