Illyes, Gyula Sandor Petöfi. Ein Lebensbild., 1971 Aufbau, Berlin 1971.,
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | MONTERO, V. M. MONTERO, V. M., Jian, S., Induction of c-fos protein by patterned visual stimulation in central visual pathways of the rat. Brain Res. 690, 189-199 (1995), Obr., [ WES20]..,// MONTERO, V. M., Retinotopy of cortical connections between striate cortex and extrastriate visual areas in the rat. Exp. Brain Res. 84, 1-15 (1993)., Obr., [WES20].., // OLAVARRIA, J., Montero, V. M., Reciprocal connections between the striate cortex and extrastriate cortical visual areas in the rat. Brain Res. 217, 385-363 (1981) , Obr,., [SD30]. // MONTERO, V. M., Scott, G. L., Ultrastructural identification of satellite interneurons in the rat doral lateral geniculate nucleus. Arch. Biol. Med. Exo. 16, 343-360 (1983)., Obr., [SD66].., // / MONTERO, V. M., Guillery, R. W., Woolsey, C. N., Retinotopic organization within the thalamic reticular nucleus demonstrated by a double label autoradiographic technique. Brain Res,. 138, 407-421 (1977)., Obr., [SD66].., //
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