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Kinkel, Gottfried
Otto der Schütz. Eine rheinische Geschichte in zwölf Abenteuern.,
1852 Cotta,. Stuttgart 1852,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oln, kl,Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Frontispiz, 95s, Fraktur., in gutem Zustand, , [SAP411]

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
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Kas, Mark
Essays on Boolean Functions and negative polarity.,

EUR 26,00
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Jelusich, Mirko
Der Soldat.,

EUR 4,00
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NEYLON, L., Haight, J. R., Neocortical projections of the suprageniculate and posterior thalamic nuclei in the marsupial Brush-tailed possum, Trichosurus vulpecula (Phalangeridae), with a comparative commentary on the organization of the posterior thalamus in marsupial and placental mammals. J-. Comp Neurol. 217, 357-375 (1983)., Obr., Unterstreiuchungen, [WES63].., // HAIGHT, J. R-. Neylon, L-.., An analysis of some thalamic projections to parietofraontal neocortex in the marsuopial native cat., Dasyurus viverrinus (Dasyuridae)., Brain Behav. Evolut. 19, 193-204 (1981)., Obr., [SD7]..,

EUR 5,00
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Helga Kolb, The architectur of functional neural circuits in th vertebrate retina. The proctor Lecture. Investigative Ophthalmol. 35, 2385-2404 (1994), // N. W. Daw, W. J. Brunken & D. Parkinson, The function of synaptic transmtters in the retina. Annaul Review Neurosci. 12, 205-225 (1989). // Peter Sterling, Microcircuitry of the cat retina. Annual Review Neurosci. 6, 149-185 (1983),

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Antiquariat Petri, DE-07743 Jena
