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Tolstoy, Vladimir, Irina Bibikova and Catherine Cooke:
Street art of the Revolution. Festivals and celebrations in Russia 1918 - 33.
London : Thames and Hudson, 1990.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft

Tolstoy, Vladimir, Irina Bibikova and Catherine Cooke:  Street art of the Revolution. Festivals and celebrations in Russia 1918 - 33.
SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. VERY good copy. - A wealth of visual and literary documents has been collected in this volume to re-create the tremendous excitement and creative spirit of the first fifteen years after the Russian Revolution. Here are all the surviving designs by the artists and architects who decorated the public festivals and celebrations of those years, together with a rich selection of contemporary illustrations and source materials -most of them never before published-which offer unique insights into the historical events, political direction and ideological background ofthat extraordinary period. In October 1918, Anatoly Lunacharsky, head of the new People`s Commissariat for Public Education, echoed Mayakovsky`s slogan, `Let us make the squares our palettes, the streets our brushes!`, with his faith in the vitality of a new Revolutionary art: a new art has arisen . to express the new life in works of art, to get rid ofthat mass of sentiment which is obnoxious to the people, to create new forms of public buildings and monuments`. Festival commissions were set up for the May Day and October Revolution celebrations. Working on these were the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects, as well as musicians, writers and stage designers, including Mayakovsky, Tatlin, Rodchenko, Stepanova, Rozanovaand Vesnin. The cities were turned into huge open-air exhibitions with hundreds of large decorative panels and monuments. Street shows and plays - some with thousands of performers, and tens of thousands of spectators-light effects, music and songs, created an entirely new synthesis of art forms. Lenin`s first decree, Lunacharsky`s diaries, the personal archives of the artists who participated, newspaper reports and minutes from the festival committees of artists, writers and officials are all quoted, and complete this detailed examination of one of the most crucial periods in the twentieth century. ( Publishers note on jacket) Originalpappband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. 28 cm 240 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen dokumentarischen Abbildungen. First edition.

SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. VERY good copy. - A wealth of visual and literary documents has been collected in this volume to re-create the tremendous excitement and creative spirit of the first fifteen years after the Russian Revolution. Here are all the surviving designs by the artists and architects who decorated the public festivals and celebrations of those years, together with a rich selection of contemporary illustrations and source materials -most of them never before published-which offer unique insights into the historical events, political direction and ideological background ofthat extraordinary period. In October 1918, Anatoly Lunacharsky, head of the new People`s Commissariat for Public Education, echoed Mayakovsky`s slogan, `Let us make the squares our palettes, the streets our brushes!`, with his faith in the vitality of a new Revolutionary art: a new art has arisen . to express the new life in works of art, to get rid ofthat mass of sentiment which is obnoxious to the people, to create new forms of public buildings and monuments`. Festival commissions were set up for the May Day and October Revolution celebrations. Working on these were the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects, as well as musicians, writers and stage designers, including Mayakovsky, Tatlin, Rodchenko, Stepanova, Rozanovaand Vesnin. The cities were turned into huge open-air exhibitions with hundreds of large decorative panels and monuments. Street shows and plays - some with thousands of performers, and tens of thousands of spectators-light effects, music and songs, created an entirely new synthesis of art forms. Lenin`s first decree, Lunacharsky`s diaries, the personal archives of the artists who participated, newspaper reports and minutes from the festival committees of artists, writers and officials are all quoted, and complete this detailed examination of one of the most crucial periods in the twentieth century. ( Publishers note on jacket)

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Lovis Corinth

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James Loeb 1867 . 1933. Kunstsammler und Mäzen .

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Zwischen Wald und Welt: Der Kunstraum Thüringen im 20. Jahrhundert : Malerei und Grafik - Exempel im Kontext ; Jubiläumsband zum Abschluss des Gesamtprojekts "Kunstraum Thüringen" anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens der Sammlung Thüringer Kunst.

EUR 15,00
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Söhn, Gerhart:
Handbuch der Original-Graphik in deutschen Zeitschriften, Mappenwerken, Kunstbüchern und Katalogen. 1890 - 1933. Band I - VII. Und: REGISTERBAND.

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