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Allen, R. W.:
The Opsonic Method of Treatment. A Short Compendium for General Practitioneers, Students and Others.
London, Lewis, 1907.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin

138 S. Cloth

Good condition. Note of ownership. Brownish paper. Fore-edges mildly foxed.

[SW: Opsonin Opsonine]
Opsonin, Opsonine
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Kunsch, Konrad und Steffen Kunsch:
Der Mensch in Zahlen. Eine Datensammlung in Tabellen mit über 20000 Einzelwerten.

EUR 19,00
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Ronco, Claudio a. o. (Edts.):
Sepsis, kidney and multiple organ dysfunction : proceedings of the Third International Course on Critical Care Nephrology, Vicenza, June 1 - 4, 2004 ; 37 tables. (=Contributions to Nephrology ; Vol. 144).

EUR 15,50
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Buttaro, Terry Mahan, Susan Aznavorian and Karen Dick:
Clinical Managment of Patients in Subacute and Long-term Care Settings.

EUR 8,40
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Alonso, Covadonga:  Viruses and Apoptosis. [Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology, Vol. 36].
Alonso, Covadonga:
Viruses and Apoptosis. [Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology, Vol. 36].

EUR 14,00
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