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Birkeland, Steffen:
Methods for blood volume determination. A critical study in healthy subjects, surgical and burn patients. Early replacement therapy in human burns. Related to clinical factors, changes in blood volume, diuretic response, serum proteins, and electrolytes (=Norwegian Monographs on Medicine Science).
Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1969.
ISBN/EAN: 9788200044932

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Medizin / Pharmazie

354 p. Softcover/Paperback.

Good. Ex-library with usual library markings. Pages clean and without markings./ Guter Zustand. Bibliotheks-Exemplar mit Stempel und Signaturaufkleber. Seiten sauber und ohne Eintragungen.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Ottoson, D. [Ed.]:  Foreman, R. D.: Organization of the spinothalamic tract as a relay for cardiopulmonary symphatetic afferent fiber activity ... (=Progress in sensory physiology ; Vol. 9).
Ottoson, D. [Ed.]:
Foreman, R. D.: Organization of the spinothalamic tract as a relay for cardiopulmonary symphatetic afferent fiber activity ... (=Progress in sensory physiology ; Vol. 9).

EUR 7,30
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Doria, G. and A. Eshkol (Eds.):
The Immune System: Functions and Therapy of Dysfunction. (= Proceedings of the Serono Symposia, Vol. 27).

EUR 9,70
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Hearn, Milton [Ed.]:
Ion-Pair Chromatography : Theory and Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications (=Chromatographic Science Series).

EUR 5,00
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Jakesz, Raimund and H. Rainer [Ed.]:  Progress in regional cancer therapy.
Jakesz, Raimund and H. Rainer [Ed.]:
Progress in regional cancer therapy.

EUR 5,40
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