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Wittenburg, Jens:
Dynamics of Multibody Systems.
Berlin, Springer, 2010.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

Wittenburg, Jens:  Dynamics of Multibody Systems.
FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar. der Originalausgabe. - VERY FRESH copy. ( Ausgabe NEUDRUCK auf Anfrage: Euro 137.- ) - A new approach is presented for modelling multi-body systems, which constitutes a substantial enhancement of the Rigid Finite Element method. The new approach is based on homogeneous transformations and joint coordinates, and it yields the advantage that equations of motion are automatically generated for systems consisting of alternate rigid and flexible links. Apart from its simple physical interpretation and easy computer implementation, the method is also valuable for educational purposes since it impressively illustrates the impact of mechanical features on the mathematical model. This novel modelling approach is then applied to systems such as offshore-cranes and telescopic rapiers. Originalbroschur. 22 cm XIII, 223 pages. Second edition.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar. der Originalausgabe. - VERY FRESH copy. ( Ausgabe NEUDRUCK auf Anfrage: Euro 137.- ) - A new approach is presented for modelling multi-body systems, which constitutes a substantial enhancement of the Rigid Finite Element method. The new approach is based on homogeneous transformations and joint coordinates, and it yields the advantage that equations of motion are automatically generated for systems consisting of alternate rigid and flexible links. Apart from its simple physical interpretation and easy computer implementation, the method is also valuable for educational purposes since it impressively illustrates the impact of mechanical features on the mathematical model. This novel modelling approach is then applied to systems such as offshore-cranes and telescopic rapiers.

[SW: System Dynamik Vielkörpersystem]
System, Dynamik, Vielkörpersystem
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (Dover Books on Physics) ISBN 10: 0486442284 / ISBN 13: 9780486442280

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Die Starkstromtechnik Ein Lehr- und Handbuch für Elektroinstallateure, Elektromechaniker, Elektromaschinenbauer und Elektroingenieure.

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Mehrkörpersysteme : eine Einführung in die Kinematik und Dynamik von Systemen starrer Körper.

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