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Ursel Scheffler/Iskender Gider (Illustr.)/J. Alison James (Übersetz.)
Rinaldo, the Sly Fox (An Easy-To-Read Book)
North-South Books New York 1992
ISBN/EAN: 1558583599

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Ursel Scheffler/Iskender Gider (Illustr.)/J. Alison James (Übersetz.)  Rinaldo, the Sly Fox (An Easy-To-Read Book)
Taschenbuch neuwertig! About the book: Life is not easy for Rinaldo, the sly fox. When he starts to snoop around the hen house, Bruno, the Duck Detective, is waiting for him. Rinaldo flees, without a bite to eat, without a penny in his pocket. But he wouldn't be Rinaldo if he wasn't always ready with a sly idea. So he makes the most of others' vanity and foolishness, eats without paying, picks up a pearl necklace, borrows a gold sports car, and tricks just about everyone. Everyone? Don't underestimate Bruno, the Duck Detective! 64 15 x 21 cm

[SW: Bilderbuch/Kinderbuch/englischsprachiges Kinderbuch]
Bilderbuch/Kinderbuch/englischsprachiges, Kinderbuch
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