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EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | CASINI, G. CASINI, G., Molnar, M., Brecha, N. C., Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/peptide histidine isoleucine messenger RNA in the rat retina. Adult distribution and developmental expression. Neuroscience 58, 657-667 (1994)., Obr.,. [WES63]..,// CASINI, G., Brecha, N. C., Postnatal development of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. I. Morphological characerization. J. Comp. Neurol. 326, 283-301 (1992)., Obr., [WES63].., // CASINI, G., Brecha, N. C., Postnatal development of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive amacrine cells in the rabbit retina. II. Quuantitative analysis. . J. Comp. Neurol. 326, 302-313 (1992)., Obr., WES63].., // CASINI, G,, Rickman, D. W., Brecha, N. C., AII amacrine cell population in the rabbit retina. Identification by parvalbumin immunoreactivity. J. Comp. Neiurol. 356, 132-142 (1995)., Obr., [WES63]..
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