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Schmidbauer, Wolfgang
Alles oder nichts., Über die Destruktivität von Idealen,
1980 Rowohlt Hamburg 1980,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Obr, Ou,429., in gutem Zustand, [CPA3,3]

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
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Porger, Gustav
Deutsche Prosa. IV. Moerne erzählende Prosa., II.,

EUR 4,00
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Peters, Alan
A. Peters, Experimental studies on the staining of nervous tissue with silver proteinates., J. Anat. 93, 177-194 (1959)., // Peters & Feldman, The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 17 of the rat cerebral cortex. I. general description, J. Neurocytol. 5, 63-84 (1976), // Peters, Feldman & Saldhana, , The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 17 of the rat cerebral cortex. II. Terminations upon neuronal peikaryxa and dendritic shafts., J. Neurocytol. 5, 85-107 (1976), // Peters & Feldman, The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 17 of the rat cerebral cortex. IV. Terminations upon spiny dndrites. J. Neurocytol.6, 669-689 (1977)., // Peters & Proskauer, Synaptic relationship between a multipolarstellate cell and a pyramidl nuron n the rat visual cortex. A. combined Golgi-electron microscopic study., J. Neurocytol., 9, 163-183 (1980), // Peters & Jones. Classification of cortical neuros. In Cerebral Crtex I., Chapter 4, Plenum Nww York 1984, pp.107-121, // Peters, Chandelier Cells., Cerebral Cortex I., Chapter 10, PLenum Press , New York 1984, pp.361-380, // Peters, Bipolar cells., In Cerebralö Cortex I., Chapter 11, PLenum Press, New York 1984, pp. 381-407, // Smooth and sparsely spinous nonpyramidal cells foring loca axonal plexuses. In CerebralCortex I-. Chapter 13, Plenum, New York 1984, pp. 419-445, //

EUR 4,00
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Bulatovic, Miodrag
Die Liebenden.

EUR 4,00
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Mickelait, C.
Bimm Bamm Bumm!. Ein Bilderbuch.,

EUR 36,00
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