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Makunaite, Albina
Der Befreier der Sonne., Litauisches Volksmärchen.,
1978 Progress, Moskau 1978.,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

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Roth, Eric A. & K. B. Kurup
Child mortality ad survival patterns from southern Sudan.,

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SPATZ, W. B., Kunz, B., Steffen H. A new heterotopic callosal projection of primary visual cortex in the Monkey, Callithrix jacchus. Brain Res. 403, 158-161 (1987) , Obr., [SD28].,// / / VOGT-WEISENHORN, D. M., Illing, R. B., Spatz, W. B., Morphology and connections of neurons in area 17 projecting to the extrastriate areas MT and 19DM and to the superior colliculus in the Monkey Callithrix jacchus., J. Comp. Neurol. 362, 233-255 (1995)., Obr., [WES93]..,

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Das Arztbild der Zukunft. Analysen künftiger Anforderungen an den Arzt.

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HEYWORTH, P. G., Robinson, J. M., Ding, J., Elllis, B. A., Bradwey, J. A., Cofilin undergoes rapid dephosphorylation in stimulated neutrophils and translocates to ruffled membranes enriched in prodcts of the NADPH oxidase conplex. Evidence for a novel cycle of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation., Histochem.Cell. Biol., 108., 221-233 (1997)., Obr., [SDG150]..,// KOBAYASHI, T., Zinchuk, V. S., Okada, T., Garcia de Saz, Eva, Seguchi, H., Intracellular dynamics of alkaline phosphatase -containing granules in electropermeabilized human neutrophils., Hisctochem. Cel.. Biol. 110, 395-406 (1998)., Obr., [SDG150]..,

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