Pabel, Erich (Ed.) Hochprozentige Witze., 1991 Pabel, Rastatt 1991,
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RHOADES, R. W. RHOADES, R. W., Wall, J. T., Chiaia, N. L-., Bennett-Clarke, C. A., Killackey, H.- P., Anatomical and functional changes in the organization of the cuneate nucleus of adult rats after fetal forelimb amputation. J. Neuroscience 13, 1106-1119 (1993)., Obr., [WES54].., // LANE, R. D., Allan, D. M., Bennett-Clarke, C. A., Rhoades, R. E., Differential age-dependent effects of retinal deafferentiation upon calbindin- and parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in the superficial layers of the rat. Brain Res. 740, 208-214 (1996), Obr., [WES57].., // //
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