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Liu, Jiming, XiaoLong Jin and Kwok Ching Tsui:
Autonomy Oriented Computing: From Problem Solving to Complex Systems Modeling. (=Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations; Vol. 12).
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
ISBN/EAN: 9781402081217

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Informatik, Hardware, Software

248 S.; Ill. Kluwer Academic Publ.

Condition as new. Shrink wrapped.

[SW: Computerwissenschaft]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Ellis, Richard, Mike Moulton and Frans Coenen:
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VII. Proceedings of ES99, the Nineteenth SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, December 1999.

EUR 19,50
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Nilsson, Anders G. et. al.:
Advances in Information Systems Development: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry.

EUR 22,00
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Kruschwitz, Udo:
Intelligent Document Retrieval: Exploiting Markup Structure. [The Information Retrieval Series, Vol. 17].

EUR 10,40
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  Association Francaise d`Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle - 6e congres, Nancy, 22-23-24 Mai 1967 - 8 volumes [section] : 1. M. B. Lago, Methodes Mathematiques / 2. M. L. Bolliet, Programmation des Calculateurs / 3. J. J. Gleitz, Logique et Technologie des Calculateurs / 4. M. P. Lhermitte, Automatisation de la Gestion / 5. M. J. Melese, Applications aux Entreprises / 6. H. Dedieu, Applications dans les Domaines Scientifiques / 7. M. M. Frybourg, Application a la Planification Nationale, Regionale et Urbaine / 8. seance d`ouverture.

Association Francaise d`Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle - 6e congres, Nancy, 22-23-24 Mai 1967 - 8 volumes [section] : 1. M. B. Lago, Methodes Mathematiques / 2. M. L. Bolliet, Programmation des Calculateurs / 3. J. J. Gleitz, Logique et Technologie des Calculateurs / 4. M. P. Lhermitte, Automatisation de la Gestion / 5. M. J. Melese, Applications aux Entreprises / 6. H. Dedieu, Applications dans les Domaines Scientifiques / 7. M. M. Frybourg, Application a la Planification Nationale, Regionale et Urbaine / 8. seance d`ouverture.

EUR 34,30
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