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Kostolany, Andre
Das ist die Börse., Bekenntnisse eines Spekulanten.,
1111 Goldmann, München o.J.,

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Weyh, Thomas.
Rund- na und!. Cartoons.,

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Steinbuch, Karl
Die informierte Gesellschaft. Geschichte und Zukunft der Nachrichtentechnik.,

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Karsten, Anitra, Hanns Brückner, Örnulf Tigerstedt
Ein Finnisches Bilderbuch., Kultur, Geschichte, Kleine Geographie.,

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ANGAUT, P., Cicirata, F., Cerebello-olivary projections in the rat. An Autoradiographic study: Brain Behav. Evolut. 21, 24-33 (1982)., Obr., [SD58].. // ANGAUT, P., Cicirata, F., Serapide, F., Topographic organization of the cerebellothalamic projection in the rat. An autoradiographic study. Neuroscience 15, 389-401 (1985)., Obr., Unterstr. [SD58].. // ANGAUT, P., Reperant, H., The structure of the optic fibre termination layers in the pigeon optic tectum. A golgi and electron microscopic study. Neuroscience 1, 93-105 (1976)., Obr., [SD58].. // CICIRATA,, F., Panto, M. R., Angaut, P., An autoradiographic study of the cerebellopobntine projections in the rat. I. Projections from the medial cerebellar nucleus. Brain Res. 253, 303-308 (1982)., orb., [SD79]..,// CICIRATA, F., Angaut, P., Panto, M. R., Seapide, M. F., Neocerebellar control of the motor activity. Experimental analysis in the rat. Comparative aspects. Brein Res. Reviews 1300, 117-141 (1989)., Obr., [SD79]..//

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