Hilpert, Joseph Leonhard Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Hand-Wörterbuch. / Pocket-Dictionary of the English and German languages., I. Englisch - Deutsch. II. Deutsch – Englisch. 1851 Braun, Karlsruhe 1851,
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Stock, Wolf-Wiemar (Ed.). Chile nach dem Putsch., Grafik-Mappe mit 25 Grafiken., Wanderausstellung des Demokratischen Kulturbundes der BRD,
EUR 18,00 Details zum Buch... | CLARKE, P. G. H-. CLARKE, P. G. H., The genuineness of istho-optic neuronal death in chicken embryos. Anat. Embryol. 165, 389-404 (1982)., Obr., [SD78]..,// PRIMI, M. P., Clarke, P. G. H., Presynaptic initiating by action potentials of retrograde signals in developng neurons. J. Neurosci. 17, 4253-4261 (1997)., Obr., [WES62].., // PRIMI, M. P., Clarke, P. G. H., Retrograde neurotrophin-mediated control of neurone survival in the developing central nervoiu system. NeuroReport 7, 4073-3476 (1996)., Obr., [WES91]..,// CLARKE, P. G. H., The roles of trophic communication in biological neural networks. Concepts Neurosci. 2, 201-219 (19919., Obr., [SD78]..,//
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