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Christov, C.I. and Arde Guran (Edts.):
Selected Topics in Nonlinear Wave Mechanics.
Birkhäuser, 2001.
ISBN/EAN: 9780817640590

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

276 S.; Ill. Hardcover

Like new. Shrink wrapped.

[SW: Nichtlineare Wellenmechanik]
Nichtlineare, Wellenmechanik
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Benedek, Giorgio a. o. (Edts.):  Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of a workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1 - 11 July 1983. (=Springer series in solid state sciences ; Vol. 47).
Benedek, Giorgio a. o. (Edts.):
Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems. Proceedings of a workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, 1 - 11 July 1983. (=Springer series in solid state sciences ; Vol. 47).

EUR 6,50
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Wave Propagation in a Turbulent Medium.

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Landolt-Börnstein. Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Wissenschaft und Technik. Neue Serie VI/2b. Gruppe 4: Astronomie Astrophysik u. Weltraumforschung. Band 2: Astronomie u. Astrophysik. Weiterführung und Ergänzung von Band 1. Teilband b: Sterne u. Sternhaufen = Stars and Star Clusters.

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Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors 12/Part I. Proceedings of the Twelfth Intern. Conference on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors. Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 24-28, 1987.

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