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Eric Kincaid (Illustr.)
The Children`s Book of Rhyme and Verse
Brimax Books Ltd 2000
ISBN/EAN: 1858542936

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Hardcover/gebunden Schutzumschlag mit kleinem Einriss, Buch sehr gut erhalten! The Owl and the Pussy-Cat are just two of the well-known characters which Eric Kincaid has chosen to guide young people on a voyage of poetic discovery in this beautiful collection. It's a journey to carry their imagination into a myriad of enchanting worlds. So where did the Owl and the Pussy-Cat go? They sailed away for a year and a day to the land where the Bong-Tree grows... Join them and hundreds of other bewitching characters on a spellbinding journey into the magical land of rhyme and verse. 187 23 x 27 cm

[SW: Bilderbuch/Kinderbuch/englischsprachiges Kinderbuch/Reime]
Bilderbuch/Kinderbuch/englischsprachiges, Kinderbuch/Reime
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