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Führer duch das Naturhistorische Museum zu Hamburg.
Hamburg: Ferdinand Schlottke, 1893.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 20.3cm. Pp. [ii],81, frontisp. (view of the museum, printed in sepia), 3 plates (plans of each of the 3 floors), few notes. Orig. printed wrappers. Very good.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Rama Rao, L., 1964.:
The problem of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary with special reference to India and adjacent countries.

EUR 15,00
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Czyzewska, T., 1968.:
Deers from Weze and their relationship with the Pliocene and Recent Eurasiatic Cervidae.

EUR 12,00
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Cushman, J.A., 1951 (1970).:
Paleocene Foraminifera of the Gulf Coastal Region of the United States and adjacent regions. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 232.]

EUR 35,00
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Reichskarte. Einheitsblatt 152-B (Schaffhauseu-Konstanz).

EUR 10,00
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EUR 25,00
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