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Geological Survey of Japan. Quadrangle Series. Scale 1:50,000. Kyoto (11) No. 96. Geology of the Ryujin District.
Tsukuba-gun 1981.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Sm4to, 25.5cm. Pp. 69, 12 photos of rock samples on 3 pls., 1 fold. pl. of sections, 59 photos and figs., 1 fold. tect. map and 1 large fold. col. geol. map in pocket, bibl. Orig. printed wrs. - Japanese text with English summary, captions to all illustrations biblingual. - Out of print.

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Vaupel-Klein, J.C. von, 1970.:
Notes on a small collection of calanoid copepods from the northeastern Pacific, including the description of a new species of Undinella (Fam. Tharybidae). [Zool. Verh., 110.]

EUR 8,00
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Leakey, R.E., & Lewin, R., 1977.:
Origins. What new discoveries reveal about the emergence of our species and it possible future.

EUR 15,00
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Walker, B., 1928.:
The terrestrial shell-bearing Mollusca of Alabama. [Univ. Michigan Mus. Zool. Misc. Publ., 18.]

EUR 20,00
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Young, J., 1874.:
New Carboniferous Polyzoa.

EUR 7,00
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