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Het Lantrecht van Drenthe van 1712. Facsimilé uitgave door het Provinciaal Bestuur van Drenthe.
[Assen] 1979.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 8vo, 15.5cm. Pp. [viii],123,[61],[ii],58,[6]. Orig. imit. leather. Presentation card tipped-in on front end-paper. Very good.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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CADELL, Henry Moubray (1860-1934).:
Geology as a branch of technical education. Introductory lecture at the opening of the Class of Geology in the Heriot-West College, Edinburgh, 4th November 1887.

EUR 20,00
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Schermerhorn, L.J.G.C.E., 1959.:
Igneous, metamorpic, and ore geology of the Castro-Daire-São Pedro do Sul-Satão region (Northern Portugal). [Comun. Serv. Geol. Portugal, 37.]

EUR 30,00
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Read, C.B., & Mamay, S.H., 1964.:
Upper Paleozoic floral zones and floral provinces of the United States. With a glossary of stratigraphic terms by Grace B. Keroher. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 454-K.]

EUR 18,00
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Hammen, L. van der, 1968.:
The gnathosoma of Hermannia convexa (E.L. Koch) (Acarida: Oribatina) and comparative remarks on its morphology in other mites. [Zool. Verh., 94.]

EUR 9,00
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