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Sciences de la terre et céramiques archéologiques. Expérimentations, applications. / Earth sciences and archaeological ceramics. Experimentations, applications. [Doc. Trav. Inst. Géol. Albert de Lapparent, 16.]
Cergy: Institut Géologique Albert de Lapparent, 1992.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 29.6cm. Pp. 159, 64 col. microphotos on 6 plates, many photos, figs. and diagrs. in text, tabs., refs. Orig. wrappers. Paper label pasted over two stamps on title-page, very good otherwise. - Contains 4 papers in English with French summary and 3 in French with English summary.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Schalke, H.W.J.G., 1973.:
The Upper Quaternary of the Cape Flats area (Cape Province, South Africa).

EUR 16,00
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Turner, F.J., 1949.:
Mineralogical and structural evolution of the metamorphic rocks. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 30.]

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MARTIN, Abbé J.-B.:
Le Jura méridional. Etude de géographie physique spécialement appliquée au Bugey.

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SMILES, Samuel (1812-1904).:
Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean Society. Portrait and illustrations by George Reid, R.S.A. Fourth edition

EUR 25,00
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