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Pacific, The --. Russian Scientific Investigations
Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1926.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 27cm. Pp. [iv],190,[2], 11 portrait plates, 4 other pls., 2 fold. maps, 6 figs., 1 fold. letterpress table, bibl. to each chapter. New boards lined with blue vergé paper, uncut, printed title label on backstrip. Very good. - Divided into 10 chapters, each written by a specialist and tracing the historical development of: Discoveries, Cartography, Geology, Seismology, Terrestrial magnetism, Oceanography, Meteorology, Botany, Zoology, and Ethnography. - Scarce original printing; a facsimile reprint appeared in 1969 on occasion of the Third Pan-Pacific Congress.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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WEERD, H. van de, 2000.:
Transport of reactive carriers and contaminants in groundwater systems. A dynamic competetive happening.

EUR 20,00
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FLEISCHMANN, Max (Hrsg.), 1931.:
Christian Thomasius, Leben und Lebenswerk. Abhandlungen und Aufsätze von Max Fleischmann, Alfred Rausch, Georg Baesecke [...]. [Beitr. Gesch. Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 2.]

EUR 95,00
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GOTUACO, Larry, TAN, Rita C., & DIEM, Allison I.:
Chinese and Vietnamese blue and white wares found in the Philippines.

EUR 130,00
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Historische Architekturoberflächen. Kalk - Putz - Farbe. / Historical Architectural Surfaces. Lime - Plaster - Colour. Internationale Fachtagung [...] München, 20.-22. November 2002. [Arbeitsh. Bayer. Landesamt. Denkmalpfl.,117.]

EUR 30,00
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