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AMPFERER, Otto (1875-1949).:
Collection of 110 shorter papers (each up to ca. 20-30 pages) on Alpine geology, all original author's offprints,
fron various German-language earth science journals, dating from 1918 to 1942.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Unique and nearly complete collection of the author's shorter writings, total of ca. 2,000 pages, many illustrated, some with the author's presentation inscription to his colleague Alpine geologist Prof. Hans Peter Cornelius (1888-1950). All papers in good to fine condition.

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Rand, A.S., 1967.:
Ecology and social organization in the iguanid lizard.

EUR 10,00
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VILLA, Antonio (-1885) & VILLA, Giovanni Battista (1810-1887).:
Sulla costituzione geologica e geognostica della Brianza e segnamente sul terreno Cretaceo. Estratto dello Spettatore Industriale, Numero 1 e 2.

EUR 250,00
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Webb, S.D., 1969.:
The Burge and Minnechduza Clarendonian mammalian faunas of North-Central Nebraska. [Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., 78.]

EUR 19,00
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Degens, E.T., & Ross, D.A., 1969.:
Hot brines and recent heavy metal deposits in the Red Sea. A geochemical and geophysical account.

EUR 35,00
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EUR 325,00
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