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ANDERSON, William.:
First [and] Second [and] Third and Final Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand.
Pietermaritzburg: P. Davis [vol. I]; London: West, Newman and Co. [vols. II-III], 1902-1907.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

3 volumes, 4to, 29cm. Vol. 1: pp. 134, 12 plates of photos (views), 1 pl. of drawings of fossils, 5 fold. pls. of sections, 2 large chromolithogr. geol. maps; vol. II: pp. 169, 5 (3 tinted) lithogr. plates of fossils, 3 fold. pls. of sections, 1 fold. sketch map, 2 fold. chromolithogr. geol. maps; vol. III: pp. 300, many figs. and photos of fossils on 18 plates, 2 fold. chromolithogr. geol, maps, index to the complete work. Vol. I paperbound in plain new interim wrappers, vols. II-III hardbound in orig. printed cloth-backed boards. Few unobstrusive library marks, covers of hardbound volumes a bit thumbed and dust-marked, contents of all volumes very good. - Rare complete set of a fundamental work in the history of South African geology.

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Schaarschmidt, F. (Hrsg.), 1982.:
Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises für Paläobotanik und Palynologie 1982. [Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 56.]

EUR 30,00
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BURGESS, Anthony.:
Machten der duisternis. Vertaald doot Paul Syrier.

EUR 20,00
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Schorr, M., 1990:
Grundlagen zu einem Artenhilfprogramm Libellen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

EUR 40,00
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Kozur, H., & Mostler, H., 1972.:
Die Conodonten der Trias und ihr stratigraphischer Wert. I. Die "Zahnreihen-Conodonten" der Mittel- und Obertrias. [Abh. Geol. Bundesanst., 28(1).]

EUR 15,00
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