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ANDERSSON, Nils Johan (1821-1880).:
On Galapagos-öarnes Vegetation. Akademisk Afhandling [...] på Auditoriet n:o 1 den 15 November 1854, kl. 9 f.m.
Lund: Berling, 1854.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 20.8cm. Pp. 60. Plain old wrappers, uncut. Small old stamp to title-page, very good otherwise. - Very rare. First installment of 2, being an offprint, presented to an interested public, from Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1853. The second installment was not published separately, it appeared a month later in the same volume of Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. of that year. "The peculiar character of the Vegetation on the Galapagos Islands was brought to scientific attention in 1847 by Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. His flora of the archipelago, based chiefly upon the collections of Darwin, showed clearly that these islands, although small in extent, volcanic in character, and only five hundred to six hundred miles from Ecuador, possess a vegetation striking in individuality and variety very unlike that of the adjacent mainland. In 1852 Prof. N. J. Andersson, well known for his critical studies in Salix, visited the Galapagos Islands on a voyage of the Swedish frigate " Eugenie". He landed upon five of the islands, four of them being the same as those visited by Darwin, and the fifth (Indefatigable) until then entirely unknown botanically. The sailing schedule of his vessel permitted him to remain but a few hours upon some of the islands, and upon none more than two or three days. Nevertheless, he was able to secure an excellent collection of plants, including 338 numbers, many of which were represented by several specimens. These plants, critically determined by Andersson himself and distributed to the leading herbaria of various countries, have long furnished the chief reference specimens for the interesting vegetation they represent. In 1853 Andersson published a detailed flora of the islands, and in 1857 he republished the same work in revised form and well illustrated with 17 plates." (cit. B.L. Robinson, Flora of the Galapagos Islands, Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, No. XXIV, 1902.) - See Stafleu & Cowan I, 128.

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Tietze, E., 1884.:
Die Versuche einer Gliederung des unteren Neogen in den österreichischen Ländern.

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Kausalitätsbegriff und Evolutionstheorie. Die Entwicklung des Kausalitätsbegriffes im Rahmen des Evolutionsgedankens. [Erfahrung und Denken, 58.]

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NEWCOMB, Simon (1835-1909).:
On the general integrals of planetary motion. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 281.]

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Kinzelbach, R. (editor), 1985.:
Die Tierwelt des Rheins einst und jetzt. Symposium zum Jubliläum der Rheinischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft und des Naturhistorischen Museums Mainz am 9. November 1984. [Mainz. Naturwiss. Arch., Beih., 5.]

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