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Argot, C., 2003.:
Functional adaptations of the postcranial skeleton of two Miocene boryhyaenoids (Mammalia, Metatheria), Boryhyaena and Prothylacinus, from South America.
Palaeontology, 46(6):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 1213-1267, many drawings in 22 figs., tabs.,r efs. Extract, plain new wrs.

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Bassler, R.S.:
Bryozoa (generum et genotyporum index et bibliographia). [Fossilium Catalogus, I, Animalia, Pars 67.]

EUR 26,00
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Stewart, B.H., 1920.:
The stratigraphy and paleontology of Toronto and vicinity. Part I. The Pelecypoda. [Ann. Rep. Ontario Dept. Mines, 29(6).]

EUR 12,50
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Moll, J.W., 1908.:
Die Fortschritte der mikroskopischen Technik seit 1870.

EUR 15,00
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Hoffmann, A.C., 1942.:
Investigations on the anatomical characters of the genus Kassina, together with descriptions of the different species and of two new subspecies.

EUR 12,00
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