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Bachmann, A., 1962.:
The silicoflagellides in the Wakura Beds, Nanao City, Prefecture Ishikawa, Japan.
Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ., 8(1):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 161-175,[21], 138 figs. and microphotos on 10 pls., 4 figs. in text,r efs. Plain new wrs. - Miocene.

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POPE, John Alexander.:
The history of the history of Ming porcerlain, a lecture [...] on the occasion of the first presentation of the Hills Gold Medal, June 9th, 1971, at the Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1.

EUR 15,00
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McEWAN, Ian.:

EUR 75,00
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Kuenen, Ph.H., 1935.:
Geological interpretation of the bathymetric results. / RIEL, P.M. van, 1934. Soundings and bathymetric charts. Chapter II. The bottom configuration in relation to the flow of bottom water. [The Snellius Expedition, 5(1) & 2(2).]

EUR 80,00
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Leakey, R.E., & Slikkerveer, L.J., 1993.:
Man-Ape / Ape-Man. The quest for human's place in Nature and Dubois' 'missing link'.

EUR 30,00
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