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Back, J.T., 1942.:
Prehistoric coal mining in the Jeddito Valley, Arizona. (Reports of the Awatovi Expedition, Peabody Museum. Harvard University, 2.) [Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Archeol. Ethn., 35(2).]
Cambridge, Mass.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 27cm. Pp. xii,24,[2], 7 photos on 4 pls., 10 maps and figs. in text, refs., bibl. Orig. printed wrs.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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BURKHARD, Arthur.:
Grillparzer im Ausland.

EUR 10,00
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Junk, W.J., 1973.:
Investigations on the ecvology amd production biology of the "floating meadows" (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) on the Middle Amazon. Part II. The aquaicc fauna in nthe root zone of floating vegetation.

EUR 10,00
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Hartman, O., & Barnard, J.L., 1960.:
The benthic fauna of the Deep Basins off Southern California. // The benthic fauna off the Deep Basins off Southern California: continued studies in the Seaward and Deeper Basins. [Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 22(1-2).]

EUR 25,00
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Welsem, J.W.A. van, 1920-1924.:
Leerboek der plantkunde voor Nederlandsch-Indië [...]. Met welwillnde medewerking van C.A. Backer.

EUR 35,00
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