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Backlund, A., & Backlund, M., 1995.:
I svenska marker. En resa bland fridlysta växter. [Photographs by:] Mattias och Monika Klum.
Stockholm: Nordtedts Förlag, 1995.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 27.5cm. Pp. 224, many colour photos (incl. frontisp., partly large or full-page), geogr. index, species index. Haddbound, cloth in pict. dus-jacket. Fine, as new. - Very fine photos with ample texts of protected plants in Sweden.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Schauensee, R.M. de, & Ripley, S.D., 1939.:
Zoological results of the George Vanderbilt Sumatran Expedition, 1936-1939. Part I. Birds from Atjeh.

EUR 22,50
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Macsotay, O., 1968.:
Formaciones Cenozoicas de Pária: secciones detalladas, correlaciones, paleontología, con descripción de unas especies nuevas.

EUR 9,00
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Dybkjaer, K., 1991.:
Palynological zonation and palynofacies investigation of the Fjerritslev Formation (Lower Jurassic-basal Middle Jurassic) in the Danish Subbasin. [Danmarks Geol. Unders., Ser. A, 30.]

EUR 30,00
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Ellis, C.H., Lohman, W.H., & Wray, J.L., 1972.:
Upper Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from the Gulf of Mexico. (Deep See Drilling Project, Leg 1, Site 3.)

EUR 15,00
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