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Bain, J.H.C., Mackenzie, D.E., & Ryburn, R.J., 1975.:
Geology of the Kubor Anticline, Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea. [Bull. Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph., 155.]
Canberra 1975.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo. Pp. vi,106, frontisp., 58 figs. and photos and 7 tabs. in text, 2 large fold. col. geol. maps in pocket. Hardbound, orig. printed cloth-lined boards. Very good. - Scarce.

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Courty, G., 1907.:
Explorations géologiques dans l'Amérique du Sud suivi de tableaux météorologiques. (Mission Scientifique de G. de Créuqi Montfort et E. Sénéchal de la Grange.)

EUR 40,00
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SINGELENBERG, Peter, BOCK, Manfred, & BROOS, Kees.:
Berlage 1856-1934. Tweede druk. [Monografieën van de Stichting Architectuurmuseum.]

EUR 10,00
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Hessland, I., 1949.:
Lower Ordovician ostracods of the Siljan District, Sweden. (Investigations of the Lower Ordovician of the Siljan District, Sweden, I.)

EUR 25,00
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Landman, N.H., 1987.:
Ontogeny of Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Santonian) scaphitid ammonites from the Western Interior of North America: systematics, developmental patterns, and life history.

EUR 15,00
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