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BARROIS, Charles.:
Recherches sur le terrain crétacé de l'Angleterre et de l'Irlande. Thèse prèsentée à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris [...].
Lille: Six-Horemans, 1876.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 26.8cm. Pp. 232, 1 large chromolithogr. geol. map of SE England (scale 1:300,000, meas. 33x88cm), 1 small fold. map, 1 fold. lithogr. pl. of sections, 14 figs. in text, notes & refs. Contemp. quarter calf, marbled boards and end-papers. Very good. - With author's signed presentation inscription to Prof. [Alexis Joseph] Delbos at the Ecole Préparatoire et Mulhouse. - "In this work Barrois extended the same paleontologic and stratigraphic zones found by Hébert in the French Cretaceous formations. Following Godwin-Austen, he observed that the axes of the deformation that affected the English Cretaceous were those active during the Primary era. This discovery was expanded by Marcel Bertrand in 1892 and by Eduard Suess as the theory of posthumous flections. The English geologists were enthousiastic over Barrois's thesis [...]." (Dict. Sci. Biogr., I, p. 472.)

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BURKE, Gerald L.:
Greenhart Metropolis. Planning the Western Netherlands. Foreword by the Hon. Lord Holford.

EUR 15,00
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WIEL, Kees van der.:
Leidse wvershuisjes. Het wisselende lot van zeventiende-eeuwse Leidse arbeidershuisjes. [Tweede druk.]

EUR 20,00
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Copernicus is ziek. Een geschiedenis van het Nieuw-Agedenken over natuurwetenschap.

EUR 20,00
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Levertin, O., 1906.:
Carl von Linné. Några kapitel ur ett oafslutadt arbete.

EUR 15,00
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EUR 175,00
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