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Bartsch, P., 1917.:
A monograph of West American melanellid mollusks.
Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus., 53:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 295-356, 98 photos on 17 plates, tables, refs. Extract, plain new wrappers.

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Marston, N., 1970.:
Revision of the New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae) other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group. [Smithson. Contr. Zool., 43.]

EUR 15,00
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Chapman, J.E., & Chapman, H.H.:
Werken in een humanistische gezondheidszorg. [Behavior and health care: A humanistic helping process. Nederlandse vertaling: David Grabijn.]

EUR 10,00
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Fay, Robert O., 1952.:
Catalogue of conodonts. [Univ. Kansas Palaeont. Contr., Vert., 3.]

EUR 15,00
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Windels, F., 1949.:
The Lascaux cave paintings. Personal note by the Abbé Henri Breuil. Preface by C.F.C. Hawkes. Introduction by A. Leroi-Gourhan. Text prepared in collaboration with Annette Laming.

EUR 45,00
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