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Basse, E., 1934.:
Etude géologique du sud-ouest de Madagascar. [Mém. Soc. Géol. France, N.S., 10.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 33cm. Pp. 157,[7], 4 fold. col. geol. maps in pocket, 6 photos of rock samples on 1 pl., 15 photogr. views on 2 pls., 12 sketch maps, 20 figs., notes & refs., bibl. Orig. printed stiff wrs., uncut. - Text printed on non-opaque paper causing some difficulty to reading. Price reduced.

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BARUS, Carl (1856-1945).:
On the thermo-electric measurements of high temperatures. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 54.]

EUR 60,00
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BAILEY, Edward Battersby, 1910.:
Recumbent folds in the schists of the Scottish Highlands.

EUR 14,00
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Stace, H.E., Pettit, C.W., & Waterston, C.D., 1987.:
Natural science collections in Scotland. (Botany, Geology, Zoology.) Edited by David Heppell and Kathleen J. Davidson.

EUR 10,00
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Schlüchter, Ch. (editor), 1979.:
Moraines and varges. Origin, genesis, classification. Proceedings of an INQUA Symposium on Genesis and Lithology of Quaternary Deposits, Zurich, 10-20 September 1978.

EUR 30,00
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