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BAYLE, Pierre (1646-1706).: gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia Folio, 36,6cm. Pp. [ii],698 [of 710, final 6 leaves wanting resp. torn out], large engraved allegorical title vignette ("A.vdr.Werf pinxsit, G.vdr.Gouwen sculpsit"). Contemp. brown full calf, backstrip with raised bands and gilt decoration in 9 compartments and 2 red title labels, mottled edges.Top piece (4 cm) missing from backstrip, small nail hole to front cover, short split (8 cm) starting in top of front hinge but still firm, very good otherwise (apart from missing pages, of course). - First edition of this famous key work of the early Enlightenment, of great rarity - even this single part. The complete work consists of two volumes issued in four parts all in the same year.
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