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BELON, Pierre (1517-1564).:
Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses mémorables, trouvées en Grèce, Asie, Judée, Egypte, Arabie et autres pays estranges [...]. Texte français et traduction bulgare du Premier Livre. Avant-propos par Prof. Zw. Kristanov.
Sofia 1953.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. xii,308, frontisp.. 14 other illustr., extensive notes and commentary on pp. 215-294. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Foxing and some staining to covers, small repair to lower end of spine, waterstain to part of blank margin of final 6 leaves, good otherwise. - Apart from the original French text all other text is in Bulgarian in Cyrillic type.

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Vokes, F.M., 1963.:
Geological studies on the Caledonian pyritic zinc-lead ore body at Bleikvassli, Nordland, Norway. [Norges Geol. Unders., 222.]

EUR 16,00
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Timberlake, P.H., 1916.:
Revision of the parasitic hymenopterous insects of the genus Aphycus Mayr, with notice of some related genera.

EUR 10,00
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Haag-Rutenberg, J.G., 1875.:
Monographie der Eurychoriden (Adelostomides Lacord.). [Col. Tenebr.].

EUR 12,00
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SUND, Oscar.:
Peneides and Stenopides from the "Michael Sars: North Atlantic Deep Sea Expedition 1910. [Extracted from:] Report on the "Michael Sars" [...] Expedition, 1910. Vol. III.

EUR 11,00
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