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BERRIMAN, Algernon E.:
Notes on the materials of motor-car construction. An account of modern metallurgical science applied to automobile engineering [...].
London: St. Martin's Publishing Co., 1912.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28cm. Pp. 171, many photos throughout. Orig. red gilt-lettered cloth. Small repair to backstrip, binding a little bumped at corners but hardly touching contents (one corner) or not al all (other corners), cloth of binding a trifle thumbed, backstrip a little faded, contents clean and very good, printed on glossy paper.

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Hirschfeld, S.E., & Webb, S.D., 1968.:
Plio-Pleiztocene megalonychid sloths of North America.

EUR 10,00
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MAW, George. (1832-1912).:
The disposition of iron in variegated strata. [Author's offprint from] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vol. 24.

EUR 45,00
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Sokolowski, S., Cieslinski, S., & Czerminski, J. (editors), 1976.:
Geology of Poland. Volume I. Stratigraphy/ Part 2. Mesozoic.

EUR 35,00
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Weiss, E., 1860.:
Ueber die krystallographische Entwicklung des Quarzsystemes und über krystallographische Entwicklungen im Allgemeinen. Besonders abgedruckt aus dem 5. Bande der Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle.

EUR 40,00
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