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Bishop, W.W., Miller, J.A., & Cole, S. (editors), 1972.:
Calibration of hominoid evolution. Recent advances in isotopic and opther dating methods applicable to the origin of man. Proceedings of the Symposium held at Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 3rd-12th July 1971.
[Edinburgh:] Scottish Academic Press [for:] The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research New York.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Small 4to. Pp. viii,487, figs., refs., append., index. Orig. boards.

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Lund. J.W.G., 1960.:
The microscopical examination of freshwater.

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PRESTWICH, Joseph (1812-1896).:
Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at different Depths beneath the Surface, reduced and collated from the various observations made between 1749 and 1868, discussed. With Map and Sections. (From the Phil. Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 165.)

EUR 150,00
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Institution of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Vols. 28 through 48. Added: Index volumes to vols. 1-30 and 31-40.

EUR 275,00
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POSEPNY, Frantisek.:
Die Wasserfälle des Niagara und ihre geologische Bedeutung. Vortrag gehalten im Vereins zur Vrebreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien am 26. Februar 1879.

EUR 30,00
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