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Drente in 't Verleden tot het Heden.
Hoogeveen: C. Pet, 1902.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

12mo, 17.5cm. Vol. 1: pp. [2],ii,69,[3], 2 tinted lithogr. pls.; vol. 2: pp. [ii],76, 2 tinted lithogr. pls. Two vols. bound in one, plain cloth-backed old boards, orig. printed front cover of vol. 1 laid down. Very good.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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HUME, William Fraser, 1911:
The effects of secular oscillation in Egypt during the Cretaceous and Eocene periods

EUR 9,00
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KIESER, Dietrich Georg (1779-1862).:
Dissertatio inauguralis physiologica de anamorphosi oculi.

EUR 120,00
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POPE, John Alexander.:
The history of the history of Ming porcerlain, a lecture [...] on the occasion of the first presentation of the Hills Gold Medal, June 9th, 1971, at the Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1.

EUR 15,00
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Renault, B., 1901.:
Du rôle de quelques Bactériacées fossiles au point de vue géologique. Extrait du Compte-rendu du VIIIe Congrès géologique international.

EUR 5,00
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