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BORDONI, Giuseppe Antonio, S.J. (1682-1742).:
Discorsi per l'esercizio della buona morte [....] si aggiunga per la prima volta un copioso Indice delle Materie, delle Ragioni, Argomenti, Autorità [...].
Venezia: Modeste Venzo, 1764-1763.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

3 volumes, 4to, 21.7cm. Vol. 1: pp. 16,232,[12],243; vol. 2: pp. viii,228,viii,224; vol. 3: pp. viii,208,viii,180; small woodcut initials and some woodcut head- and tail-pieces. Contemp. boards, gilt-lettered title labels on backstrips. First volume with clear waterstain, binding wear (esp. to paper of cover surfaces) and some foxing to all volumes. - Scarce early edition of this very popular work of which nunmerous editions and translations appeared up to the end of the nineteenth century.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1875. Vol. VIII.

EUR 60,00
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Der Mensch im Bild der Geschichte. [Erfahrung und Denken, 30.]

EUR 10,00
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CLAYTON, H. Helm (compiler and editor).:
Worls weather records. Collected from official aources by Dr. Felix Exner, Sir Gilbert Walker, Dr. G.G. Simpson, H. Helm Clayton, Robert C. Mossmann. Assembled and arranged for publication by H. Helm Clayton. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 79.]

EUR 75,00
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Martin, K., 1909.:
Über Rangifer tarandus [Mamm., Cervidae] aus Niederland.

EUR 4,00
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EUR 100,00
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